“Within every human heart there is a divine passion growing and awaiting liberation.”
– Alana Fairchild
Your Heart is a portal connecting you with the Divine and your own special magic.
You are meant to be free and to share with the world.
Has your heart been longing for LIBERATION?
Our hearts know this passionate song and overtime it has become covered up and forgotten…but not lost. We are given unique passions and interests in life that become our own personal compass leading us back home, to our own liberation!
Sometimes it can be difficult to hear, see, recognize or even to answer and follow these signs as we can get blocked by our old programming, fears and limiting beliefs, keeping us feeling trapped with no way out. This has caused more separation and often the feeling of being trapped in loops, cycles and chains.
We came here to break these cycles and remove those restraints, to heal these old wounds and to be our true authentic selves. To truly free ourselves, our ancestors and the future generations!
I am here to help assist you in releasing those blocks that may have been prolonging this liberation. So you’re able to move closer into your purpose and share the magic that you are. You are meant to be free!
Energy Medicine Sessions
Energy medicine is a powerful and transformational experience taking you deeper into your soul’s healing while connecting with your light, wisdom, power and magic. This becomes the medicine we’re meant to share with the world, once we are willing to shed the old and heal.
Often times, it is hard to recognize your soul’s truth when we are blocked with old negative energies, programming, stories and fears. Our filters can often become distorted.
It can leave us feeling stuck, lost, exhausted, fearful, trapped and frustrated.
By releasing and clearing these old ways that no longer serve you, you’re creating a new sacred space within you. You are freeing your energy up and filters become clearer. Thus helping you to step into your power with more clarity… so you’re able to give life to those dreams and passions of yours!
New inspirations can be found within this space. Connecting with more of your authentic expression, wisdom, divine passions… you start to share this medicine, this beautiful light to the world.
Allow me to assist you in your rediscovering your passions which ultimately lead to your liberation, power and magic you’re meant to share
I believe we all have our own special magic, and I want to help you reconnect with it… It is needed in the world.
Sometimes we forget our own potential and just how powerful we really are. I’m passionate about this remembering and those discoveries found within. My mission is to assist others ready to ignite their own liberation.